99. to the mama of trivettes
if you count to three | it’s 3
if you count to four | it’s more
the processes of making | make
the processes of faking | fake
as you can see | you have 3
daughters | 2 grandsons
never mixing genders in the
generations engendered | year
by year | and you can count
each of these | three | or two
by the distance | of their persons
from the reach | of your kisses
(or arms | in the unlikely event
of hugging | the smallest of them
hard enough | for him to squeal)
and you realize | we believe
you cannot reach | even with great
effort far enough to | pull each
from whatever distance | they sit
away from you | in space and time
as you count | you also count on
the arrival of a growing | boy to
that space of your | habitation
holding him in | confinement or
high regard | (the difference
between these | becoming more
and more | difficult with time)
meaning how time | ages the
body and changes | the mind
until one little boy | is a man
busy rubbing coins | together
to make fire | busy enough with
the erratic thoughts of | men
yet also pulled | to the embrace
of your arms | with such force
one might believe | those arms
themselves | drew him toward
your envelopment | of his self
who will feel again | small and
held onto | and not given away
or the time | of the body of these
children will grow | so long you
will find yourself | unburdened
by the presence | of babies again
around you | and their milky skin
revealing the source | of their sole
and fortifying | nourishment and
you will fret | as oft one does | at
the age you have met | though it
would be only in that achievement
that you existed | synchronously
with these new | and small beings
proceeding outwardly | from you
who are | the point of departure
of all these people | revealed
only via the presence of | you
beforehand | for you are now
the sole spring | of the family
that source from which | all have
come | and all will continue forth
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