98. The Island of Manhattan Pinned between Two Rivers


we are | for but

a moment | more

kept | here on

this sliver | of

land | trapped

by water | on

all | sides and

here we | breathe

and be | yet

soon not | for

you will | take

to the | other

ocean | face the

sun | a different

way | orient

yourself | to a

different | body

of water | and

life | there to be

for | a long while


so it is | you

return | to the

coast of | your

ancestors | who

traversed | the

continent | and

sailed | around

South | America

to find a | new

world for | their

lives | we don’t

know | what

comes next | only

that | something

does | but this

is | your start

abrupt | to a

new life | one

to | sustain you

just enough


time now | to

go | to feel

a new wind

to | breathe

in | a different

breath | to

reach | for

what we | all

reach | for

hope | just

desire | for a

dreamt | future

for a | new earth

abundance | and

radiance | abound

world to | dream

forth | through

grit | and effort

the only | way

to | find it


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