77. threee points

what do I think | about thinking

about feeling | about considering

myself | a person of limited

emotional means? | what do I

feel about | needing to write

as if the stringing of | words

could bring any | shape to a life?

what do I imagine | I accomplish

by collecting | the pieces of my

life and setting them | down

in order | so I can recreate a

small aura | of my past?

who do I realize | I am when

I dream through? | the day and

work all night | what particular

shapes do I take | that are un-

natural to humans? | how do I

begin to re | member again

and redetermine | what I am?

how could I even | ever know?


the black box | sits

in the middle of | my head

the way into | the box

is through | my head

via my nostrils | twisting

a pipe cleaner | up and up

until it can hit the | little

metal | black box

resting | in my head

the little black | box

holding all | the tiny

secrets of me | everything

forgotten | retained

every lost | memories

I need | to understand

those few | memories

I still hold | those tiny

few | I use | in stories

about my life | which

tell me | who I am

if I had feet | I would fly

if I had | a sense of smell

I would listen | for sounds

of crickets in | air conditioners

if I had any idea | where I am

I would write a novel | about

Revolution | we forgot to hold

if I had any decency | I would

run from office | if I had a cat

I would name him | Dog

if I had the | pleasure of

your presence | I would

excuse myself | to retreat

to the restroom | if I had any

idea what | to do next

I would | definitely consider

trying to find | a way to

decide | what process to us

to consider doing | something


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