62. mailartsong


into | the out

and | over the

for | from ever

to | sever with

not | a thing more

given | to making

and | making to

give | everything

you | will do

happens | for live

drawing | the color

of | hair on

a | head merely

requires | that

you | do instead

open | the envelope

in | so to see

what | it is

someone | has

given | to thee


waiting | for wanting

and | wasting for

wait | everything you

do | you need

to | do straight

folding | for

mailing | and mailing

to get | you must

believe | that you

are | quite set

drawing | for

seeing | and

painting | to play

you | always have

some | something to say

wonder | is rabid

in | all that you do

and | everyone

getting | is getting

from | you


if | you write

if | you draw if

you | can make

everyone | can assume

their | job’s to take

adding | a stamp

to | send it away

gives | them another

rule | they

can | obey

waiting | for having

is | what you

must | do

for | life as an artist

is | suited you

not | a thing more

to | sever with

for | from ever

and | over the

into | the out


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