45. Three Lives
the people say | they never see that happening
anymore | it’s like the world changed
when we were sleeping | people say that
they talk like that | they talk
that’s what people say | people are like that
you see them | sometimes | talking and
it is easy to tell | they don’t know what
they’re talking about | you don’t even
have to hear them | it is the way they move
as they talk | you know it every time
take that guy | for instance | barrel chest
a voice a little high | for some reason
seems fine but | when he starts talking
his face goes red | and he clenches his hands
his elbows go white | you know what he’s
saying is wrong | probably in two ways
first just no control of the facts | second
you know he’s hoping to do someone harm
it’s that way with everyone | they always
show their cards | even if they have none
dogs are different | just different
to start they don’t talk | (worst thing
a dog does is bark | the equivalent
of talking | it gives them a human
fault) | most don’t bark much | sure
the small ones do | but are you truly
positive those | are real dogs?
you can think about that for a while
the thing about | dogs is that they
have no inclination to work | at all
sure | they’ll chase a squirrel | but
that’s just playing | it has no purpose
dogs don’t have jobs | and they’d be
bad at them if they did | dogs are
nappers | and eaters | and that’s
about it | they show us what to do
by their example | we’re supposed
to learn to | rest and eat and rest
that is a dog’s life | with a little
barking | they tell us | to relax
cats excel at | exceling dogs
dogs snooze | but cats lounge
dogs gulp their food | while
cats experience it | cats
you see | are about high
expectations | relaxing
lunching | staying indoors
for all their bodily functions
a cat has | no opinion of us
cats don’t care | they’ll be
happy to see us | if dinner
is near | but they don’t
need to stick around | unless
we plan to drown them
with affection | cats show
us not to care | about the
thoughts of others | only
to pamper the self | the cat
knows | the only self is her
and she allows us to know it
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