38. Ðe Saga of ðe Þorn
ðe Þ in ðe milk-green | water & ðe heat
ðe slashing of ðe sword | through ðe rain
coming into ðe rest | of ðe battle
ðe ships from ðe east | each gone
dragonflight in its own shade of green
ðe Þ rests upon his sword resting in lava
& he begins | a song of triumph
eoaliou eolia | leiaio leiaio leiaio
siuanda siuandu | terete terete teretete
ooleiuu ooleiuu | taramaiö ööah
calling ðe shade | of his dragon he
waiting upon green moss | sure someone
would come again | onto ðe shore
over ðe rock | bearing death
bearing vengeance forth | righting ðe
ðe wrong to ðe lava | moving
& ðe Þ sings | akriekebo | akereku
bararta | baratara haraoita | brot
sanderoho | sanderoho batarte
ðe Þ moving to | ðe middle of ðe
island | to ðe center of his eye
ðe Þ dragging his sword | over moss
& rock over | through soil & stream
stops by ðe arc of ðe falls | falling
into & rising up into | mist | into
& ðe water as air | ðe air as
water | part of ðe breath of ðe
earth | as he has seen in ðe
geysers blowing through holes
ðe breath of ðe earth | spit
toward ðe heavens | ðe eagle
flies over ðe water | exhaled
earth’s exertion | ðe only message
I am ðe living earth | given over
to your use | to give you breath
& life | & ðe Þ sang back to earth
eoulieou | eou eiou eioueouola
ialiu ialiuaia ialiuaialei | ialei
ouloouloleiu oulo | ouoluolulei
& ðe Þ walked | & he walked
& ðe Þ walked north | toward
ðe edge | toward ðe end
toward ðe forever ice | toward
ðe rest of his life | ðe fight over
fight over for him | he traveled to
traveled to ðe end | of his island
he walked over | rock & moss
over thoughts of ðe red meat
of whale | thoughts of shark
fermenting in ðe sand | of ðe
taste of fish in ðe red | meat of
ðe puffin flying | from cliff
he walked with ðe idea | of fire
warming his boots | of summer
of ðe light always on | & he
walked a curving finger of land
out to ðe end of it | settled his body
into ðe cold water | & ðe Þ swam
north | toward ice | toward victory
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