46. forewords & backwords
not a word from it | not a word
but a thought | we go thoughtword
thoughtword | through our day
imaging the absence | of words
as an efflorescence | of meaning
the sense an odor has | upon the
nose | in the sense of being known
without being understood | ir-
rational ideas about | the meaning
of words against | the psyche
how the ancients could carve
a perfect philtrum | out of marble
a channel to roll | a marble through
in a sense | we never know
what a word means | we feel it
it feels like | rising up out of the sea
lungs burning for air | and gasping
into us the deepest breath | it feels like
the sense that a violet | would taste
better | with a little lemon juice
the meaning of the word for blue
in English is | “having had blown”
and the meaning of | the word
blown | is “covered with many
blouses” | but we use these words
without reference | to their true
meanings | we act as if we can
change the meanings of words
at will | for instance, I might say
Have you detrited your sheets?
and you might say | They were
not at all trited | or trite before
so I see no need for | detriting
yet there is no triting we can de-
meaning is the captivation of
the word | by means both dark
and insular | if we knew what
the word was and | what it meant
we would have no reason | to use
it | but we never know all it means
this is a poem about dirt | you
probably don’t realize | this
because you expect a | poem
about dirt to focus on | dirt
a bit more than this poem | has
that is a problem caused | by
knowing what dirt | means
to solve that problem | you
must forget the meaning | of
dirt and remember what | it
feels like | and by it I | mean
what the word feels like | not
the feeling of the meaning | of
the word but the word it | self
for instance feel the word | in
side your mouth but | be
careful not to imagine | the
feeling of dirt so don’t | feel
grit and dirt and mud | but
feel every letter of | dirt
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