8. Photo Op, Holding a Bible
teargas parade | all the cops on horses
ails up and they ride into | the crowd | retreats
what matters is election of | the least fit | the least fit for
I can’t breathe | is a sign of weaknesss | orange cotton candy
that | is a sign of strength | there is no poetry in poetry | that
is because there is no poetry in words | the world was created
to disappear | to dissolve all the way back into the cosmos
we are a blink of a blink of an eye | the virus crowns us
[finger and thumb on the forehead to make an L]
trapped in tiny homes | for months | without food | jobless
if a scrap of poetry | slips into my poem | I must black it
out | hopelessness as a state of life | cop with his knee
cop with his knee on | with his knee on the neck
of a man bearing witness | I can’t breathe | all the way
into death | perp might be lying | could be lying
probably just breathing on the sly | autopsy’ll probably
show blocking his air passage | just had no effect
on his breathing | it’s all underlying conditions
if not breathing didn’t kill him | his pre-existing conditions
would have | definitely would have | covid got him
I was just there to watch | covid got us all just where
it wants us | fear of catching it slips away
we protest in groups | we yell at you so you can hear us
but all you hear is your money rattling | in your pockets
in your empty head | in your collection plate | we just don’t
have the money for everyone to eat | some millionaires still
need government help to thrive | we live in the Age of
Expungement | we will erase all light and start over
vaccines cause lupus | epilepsy | autism | drink a little
and you’ll be okay | just a little bleach | just enough to kill
the presidented plays to the camera | the mirror he sees
himself in | the presidented says the governors are | not
tough enough | he will have to make a statement about
manliness | he will have to run away afterwards to avoid
questions too hard for his little brain | don’t they see how
smart I am | why are they so mean to me? | who will take
care of me? | the mounted police move forward | each
horse moves forward into the crowd | the crowd must
be dispersed | for the safety of America | we all need
guns | but only the good may use them to kill
the presidented stands clumsily before the church
displaying his Bible | bookmark in Two Corinthians shows him
the way | in whom the god of this world hath blinded
the minds of them which | believe not | lest the light of
the glorious gospel of Christ | who is the image of God
should shine unto them | translated | O | let us commence
a race war | on behalf of white America | to return
kleptocracy to its sacred station | there is blood in the streets
and these people will try | there is blood in the streets
and these people will cry | there is blood in the streets
and these people will die | do not hold ill will against those
brave officers who must | remove the breath from the body
of the black man | do not remove the protective shield
these cops provide | when they | remove the breath from
the body of the black man | do not worry if our people
cannot eat | do not fret | if our people fall and die
do not allow them medicine | do not show them
comfort | do not listen to their heart | do not listen
for their breath | just wait | just wait with patience
if you can wait long enough | maybe they will die
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