19. the ghosts and zombies of our dreams
in this version they walk | as if walking would move them
they perform | as if they were | real
they have the motions of people | their expressions
languid | but somewhat still | as if of a hardening plastic
in this light | we cannot tell | if they breathe
if their breathing’s too shallow | to show | if they
express their breathing well | if they have told us well
enough | of the breathing they experience | it is
as if | they have to tell us | for us to know
but we already knew | they spoke | they spoke to us
we knew | we merely | (it was not our fault)
thought they were not telling | not telling us
telling us the truth | not telling it all | how
were we supposed to know | we had no idea
they could breathe | or if their walking was | an illusion
like emancipation | or the Voting Rights Act
the world | you see | is complex | we can not know
so we have to guess | it is our strongest weapon
it is not always right | it does not always shoot true
but it is all we have | we have nothing else to try
in the previous version | we never saw them
we had no idea they existed among us | at that time
we could look right at them | but see only the brick wall
behind them | we imagine they had walked among us
yet we could not prove it | they were diaphanous
vaporous | a friend once stared at them for hours
only to discover | he had finished reading a novel
that they had disappeared | later he ran into one
in the street | almost knocked him down | but
he never saw him | couldn’t see him | didn’t feel
the impact of his body | against the other
claimed he had run into a sheet | drying on a line
to force it back into the form it must take | maybe
they are invisible because | they take on the shapes
of what they stand before | a sheet drying outside
a brick wall before the shots are fired | a covey of
quail roused from the scrub | then the shots
he couldn’t even see where they hit | how could
he know they were there | blood appeared on the
ground | but it wasn’t red | and it came from nowhere
in the final version | it is so much as if they are here
as if they seem like us | they have voices and breath comes
out of them as if they are breathing | breathing in
the air | breathing out | the words | and they are
saying something | sounds that seem to be words
and these sounds are ardent | strident even
angry sometimes | they seem to be scared of | something
but we have no way | we do not have any | way
to know what they are saying | or why | they are saying
it | but they seem so real | one of us said she had
touched them | once | and they were warm | as if
blood were running through them | but where did
they get the blood | when did they get these bodies
why are they talking | we cannot figure it out
we had a meeting | we set down rules | we still
don’t know how they talk | do they have mouths
do they speak | where have they suddenly come from
who are they | how did they get here | what do they
want | what are they asking us | have they ever seen
the sun rise in the morning | did they feel that
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