36. danse macabre al fresco
I will tell you | in the dance
of it | I have no work for it
the pirouette | the posture
the seeming | the seaming
I want to see | the whole of
it | the thing as thing | not
think | a reality | certain to
allow us a sense of practice
the way of | the words isn’t
enough | I want the feeling
the falling | the frail body
against the big world | just
a chance to feel | something
solid | footfalls across the
floor | jeté | which means
I do something | I am here
to take a breath | to gallop
to prance | to do any man-
ner of movement restricted
to humans in dance or flight
the word is so lost now | you
know that | replaced | after
so many lies | no word mat-
ters | no word is resurrected
and none brings back to life
anything | poetry is an echo
of a world once was | large
and now is small | the lies so
we might not believe in any
truth | the lies piled up like
bodies | during a pandemic
as the ghosts multiply | they
intersect and | overlap each
other | they make a nearby
lie mean | even less than it
once did | only seconds ago
every ghost is | one person
killed by a lie | one asked to
beg to die | and lies build up
and the lies grow | and death
reigns upon us | death rains
over us | for we are but the
remnants of | fragile truths
evaporating into the lost air
believe in the body | and the
bone | believe in the solid not
the vapor | clench your hands
your teeth | feel the muscle of
your thumb | the pain of the
bite | the pain of the bite into
fingers | the pain of the bite
to the tooth | the body in the
practice | of simple resilience
against the lies | sown into the
very earth | the loamy soil of
our dream of harvest | forget
the word | so paltry | shallow
given to fits of pique | and the
carrier of lies | into the ear
and onto the page | carved into
stone | so that lies will rule us
all the days of our lives | all the
nights of our terror | the fear of
Just realized I can comment on this; thank you!