15. Untitled except for These Words I Give it at the Start

A small handdrawn poem without words

too lovely for words | I might say
the way darkness presents itself
as a covering-over | when it presents
the lights rimming the harbor
blinking signals in the air | a string
of lights on the | drooping lines of
the Verazzano | darkness reveals
we are now too old | to see our
children often | a generation
separates us from them | we see
different worlds | maybe we look
back | or we have detached ourselves
from the future | we are preparing
the world is burning | jungle by jungle
a virus coming at us | when we stop
thinking of it | the lakes will dry up
the seas will overflow | the smallest
storm will bring us down | a flood
will wash into my building | leaving
us safe and dry with no place to hide

the last time I wrote you | a poem
I did not tell you everything | kept
the story inside me | always have
we are filled with stories | many
held in and away | from | inside
the chambers of ourselves | and
we know this is right | stories burden
the listener | detract from the lived
tale | the details of which we don’t
forget | but cannot articulate | they
live inside us | weaker than memories
still there though | waiting to be
again | we hold them in | we hold
them in | even when they don’t seem
to be there | we cannot tell what
we don’t know | and a story needs
an audience anyway | the story gains
power through the ears that have
heard it | the eyes that have seen it
the one who keeps it close | and hidden

I am slowly draining myself | of stories
of poems | of ideas and their articulations
every night I scrape | my might for an idea
of a thought | every night my imagination
shrinks ever more | soon I will have no
thought | and no way to tell it | I will sit
staring | at the curtain | waiting for it to
happen | to reveal is story | its essence
to imagine what it might become | but
most things become nothing at all | they
just disappear | they always disappear
we don’t hold onto them all | we can’t | we
have to identify which | we will keep
to bear forward as parable | some
scrap | of story that will resonate with
strangers | something to tell | to show
others | we are real | we saw something
we hear something | allow us to be real
and all I can tell you about this story is
its still there | it will always be there


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