The Written Sea (by John Bloomberg-Rissman)

—for Geof Huth

“The sea wants to be

horizontal but then the horizontals

begin to play. Sympathetic lines

turn up all over the

place, all related to each

other ... ” The sea speaks in

waves. The sea speaks what

the wind writes. The text

is in the air. The

air flows by Schenectady, blows

through the cracks. You sit

and glyph. Your glyphs translate.

Into what? “No direction is

indicated, though not unambiguously.”

[Note: A sonnet for Geof Huth, in response to his “8. If You Could Excuse Me These Excesses, You Would Prove You Realize and Accept that I’m a Poet,” at 365 ltrs, 1 Jun 010. Sources: The sea … other: John Marin, re: his painting The Written Sea, as quoted in Al Filreis, “the written sea”, at Al Filreis, 6 Jun 010; direction … unambiguously: Maurizio Lazzarato, “Multiplicity, Totality, Politics”, in Parrhesia 9. One word is missing]

6 June 2010


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