
Showing posts from June, 2010

37. The Present Past

36. The Count after the Fall

35. Olfactory Illusion

34. Stone Girl Crazy

33. Thirty-Three Questions?

32. Wistful Lyricism Full of Yearning (A Series of Poems on the Day)

31. Elsething

30. Lines upon Lines

29. A Story Someone Else Told

28. Eigner’s Fiction

27. Following from the Fact

26. Postcards from Texas

25. The Blood, the Book, the Book, the Blood, the Blood

24. The Flesh of the Fish of the Word

23. The Slightest Memories before I Forget Them

22. A Half a Dozen or Dozen Tries

21. Us and Ourselves

20. The Earth, Worked, and Out

19. The Voice that Needs No Echo to Sound

18. What I Could Say in Chinese is “Sure”

17. Lake and Light

16. When Dreams Become

15. Untitled except for the Word “Untitled” and the Words That Come after It

14. What You Would Sing

13. Rain on a Sunday

The Written Sea (by John Bloomberg-Rissman)

12. The Shining Path