128. The Death in the Death of America

stand back | stand by
we gotta | we gotta
make America | America again
we gotta burn | we gotta break
we gotta break | this country
we gotta break | America or
I might | I might
I | your favorite president
I might hafta | just might hafta
take this country | back for us
for us | not them
don’t know how | them them got
here | don’t know how
but we can | clean
we can clean | up this country
we gotta | clean it up
the blood | in the streets
will wash us | clean
the blood in the | streets
will run | but not us

dogwhistling through | a bullhorn
because I don’t like | dogs
but I’m a | bull
big bull | and I fight to the death
not fat | no way
I’m not fat | just muscular
stable | and a genius
always do | the things
stable geniuses | do
I yell | so people can hear me
I let them | know I’m here
make sure they know | I’m
here | that they see me
that they | know to respect
me | by seeing me
standing here | yelling
just like all | the stable geniuses do
yelling | at the stupid
people | yelling at the stupid and
everyone is stupid | except me

don’t know why | don’t
just | don’t know why
everyone is so | stupid
too stupid to know | that
chaos wins | chaos is
power | the power of
my big beautiful words
only I got | the best words
the best words | to use
all the best words | to
stop | the fake hoax scam
ballots | the Radical Left
scam hoax fake | plans
to destroy | America
because | they will destroy
this country | with their
socialist radical | anti-
white | anti-statue | we
love our statues | they
who we | am


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