117. In the River of Resolute Fishes
and we all swim | in water now
it’s cold in here | blood runs cold
and we swim | with the river
or without it | against it
and so we swim | the river takes
from us | the best of the fishes
and leaves us | empty
lacking | the great hole
in the middle | of our whole
yet we swim | yet we must
keep swimming | and now we
know we must | swim against
the current | swim away from
ocean | and toward
the source of | all water
far inland | to the spring all
water | emanates from
to the purest | water
the thirstiest | fish
today we have | lost one
of our fishes | and lost
a bit of hope | a substance
we create | but cannot prove
the purpose of | we come
to remember | the fish and
what she has | done for us
and what has | been done
to us | and what more might
and we remember | how
she swam | no matter the
force of the water | she swam
into | and through and
we know she | will not swim
again | she is only
a beacon for | us now
we remember | her strength
now gone | from her body
lying cold | in the river and
we find in us | her strength
we swim | to where fishes
congregate | to think
where the nine | fishes
came to talk | where they
decided what world | we could
live in | what expanse we
would be allowed | to swim
as we |have always swum
and we | will remain here
and sing | with our watery
voices | we will sing
for a good | ninth fish
to make these | fishes whole
again | and if they are not
made whole | we will make
a larger school | of fishes
to protect | the source of
our water | and we will
fight for | our water
our cold and | watery lives
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