115. The Lamb of Sod
lamb but for | its balm
disruption | of a life
to allow the continuation
thereof | the tiny
significances | of the day
or not | instead the
significations | the meanings
spread over | the hours
we cannot know | the meaning
of our lives | or know
if any | accrues | or if
it adheres | to the memory
of another | how easily we
are forgotten | add a few
generations | after us and
we disappear | except
through blood | the pulse
we leave | even then | with
enough time | we dissolve
from the bloodstream too
the body | the case
for the mind | it holds us
within ourself | our body
burrows | through
every accounting | of
our life | and holds us
in place | a carapace
not hard enough
to protect | our
hands to | make things
feet to | move us
but we are not these
bodies | so much as
we are the | thoughts
inhabiting them | we
are the essential thing
more fragile than body
which persists | insists
our essential selves
evaporate at last breath
we come | to make and
mean | to create the
meaning | that makes us
whatever we are | not
ever all good | we hope
to give enough | to
allow some memory of
our selves | to persist
within others | not to
give us the gift | of
rememberedness | but
to show we left some grace
behind | we added to
more than subtracted
all of which | I say to
thank you for the lamb
given by Eden | from
somewhere in Kentucky
not Gethsemane | but
a place of abundances
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