3. In the Realm of
there is | within it | a cat | somewhere
that slanted ray of sunlight | the opportunity of
the carpet | a windowledge | the counter
always sleeping on | the raw edge of dream
burrowing within a Xmas tree | arrayed
with light | the operation of the mind retracts
as it extends | to another imposition of sight
the realization of | the comfort of lies
a world so green | thoughts recede into
the past | the clattering of dishes to the floor
in the hurry | shards of light | of pottery
and glass | of spilled water reflecting back
we come upon the object of our | intuition
it may be right | or it might be righted | we
except reality for the purposes of dream | oh
is that how it works? | if you take in a breath
do you ever allow it back out? | watch the
cat | how she moves without flinching
the understanding between a cat | and
reason pertains | as a caricature of thought
you can think it | without breaking it
sometimes at least | stories are told
language is a defect of | communication
the tongue wags | but the hand holds
a momentary | susurration between
silences | abstraction replaced by
distraction | without any focus | you
can take everything in | even a patina of
authenticity | beware he who says
believe me | any subterfuge in a storm | as
the saying goes | everyone lives in the city
of the dead | some call them angels | others
Gothamites | live with the dead | die with
the dead | darkness penetrates any light
they cannot escape its pull | vertical and
descending | even the rats cannot leave
horns blare in the darkness | to mark the
progress of ferries | we move sideways
in the night | the ferry’s horn blares again
the eyes of the cat | draw in the viewer
who sees the cat’s seeing | in place of
what it sees | for this reason the cat is
silent | stealthy | given to long bouts of
sleep | abundant unto the day are its
languid movements | the general tranquility
of | the easy grace of | its steps | a wander
away and back | the cat testifies to the power
of waiting | it waits | it is waiting | it is in the
process of considering having had | waited
it is done with what it has planned | she or
he | as the case may be | does not squander
time | but measures it | time being a type
of music | slow | occasionally stalled | the
cat has accumulated patience | for just such
an occasion | when the time comes it will
be there | patiently waiting because waiting
is a skill | soft | slow | swish | of the tail
the cat staring forward | without exception
after a small long breath | its work is done
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