1. We Sleep Tomorrow

coruscation | as a feature of light | against rocking water
the broken shells of oysters | we cannot see | the way
you look at me | as if | wondering whether we run or
sprint | to the next step | in the wonder of our life
your laughter | as the breaking of vowels | across space
the tiny tingle of your voice | as the happiness takes you
over | the moderation of these splintering sounds | from
high to low | an angel of speech | my ear slows to listen
you sleep beside me | while I lie awake and thinking | and
sometimes a voice comes | out of your dream | leaving me
awake beside your dreamworld | but | without a way in
when I slip into dream | mine | do not wander into yours
the particular shape of your | Gallic nose | the low-hulled
crescents of your fingernails | and those of your toes
my hand moving down | the soft hair behind your head
how your legs | grow invisible hairs | only you can see
me | whatever it is a person | represents itself as
if I could perceive as you | and wait | to work out what
it seems to you I am | I might understand | why
I sleep | on my back | and gasp for air in the night’s dark

if I could | dream
I would | dream of
a one who | only was
the you | I need
to sleep | beside you
still | if I could
choose | a dream
it would | be you
the nights | for me
are short | and soon
the nights | for thee
are longer | still
and so | dreams break
when I enter | into
our room | at night
to rest | by you
and thus | I say
with grace | and will
that I | must stay
beside | you | still

we sleep | by the water we sleep | over the harbor | we
sleep beside the Hudson | we sleep beneath an array
of stars we cannot ever see | we sleep in the darkness
we sleep in the night | we sleep through | our dreams
and awake | so high up | we awake beside sunlight
tomorrow asks a little less | of us | than today | because
we do not understand | what it is | how it will become
today | without even telling us | how it was yesterday
without | letting us understand | what happened with
this time? | how did we get here? | how did we ever?
as you sleep | I write | as you breathe | I write | as
a man | in love with ancient moonlight | who writes
alone this night | nearly beside you | always with you
whispering | only when you are dreaming | the few
words I have left to let loose | my way to win you
tomorrow | or keep you | safe | within this shattering
world | every day another collapse | every night another
smothering | of a person gone airless | and I do not
remember much of my life | or the days’ ravages upon us
not today | not yesterday | but I remember tomorrow


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