2. A Summer’s Night’s Revival
arrested auto | biography
the | word you
wrote | not rote
particularities of | absence
such as | away
lost | verboten | not
the twingularities | of
being | away from
how you | not
you | would be
after | a span
of time | unremembered
piquance | of tongue
listing toward | away
the slosh | of
the wash | away
vocabules encountered | externally
O | I | a
person of | considerable
wait | that’s not
it | the sparrow
flies straight | off
often | in movies
where protagonists | huddle
around | warm plots
the story | surprises
endings do | not
articulations without | bending
away | thus toward
toward | thus pushing
thrusting | fussing with
having | had been
has had | been
before the | troubles
the wholes | in
a story | how
they | let you
see into | its
dark recesses | of
a time | long
ago | a word
left to | rot
in | the sun
days after | noon
rusted wheels | a
burrow | for groundhog
the hissing | through
teeth | it says
you go | away
you | go away
away you | go
it | is like
a song | forgotten
after memorization | of
thus lost | but
inherent | to the
person | left forgetting
the weight | of
forgetting | it all
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