214. &
Geof Huth Reading "214. &" (to mIEKAL aND), 25 December 2010
advansting & movering or mundering on
onder to a thirdst tymne after
& advansting
quayr n th quayverr of’t
& lest frequency
mynd & youvered blynds
th’whirled n s|L|a|ts & slayking
thnow’s snowd intyou intwo
form blck to whiiiite & straytching
fittyfree ears of eggs
& harts of palmd quoins
foldolded intwn [cor¬nrs]
lyff lyke paprz & perzn
flodedded in halve
exissential undumbrations & lyres angst cold dearth
brynge out in bulbous twobers agoe th’ryght wrinch to maek ye
lyff underr th’fallin s’nows and sthens cater-of-wauling nyght
natalis & nautilus
wht’s borne of see & sayling
warter of th’bodysated
warter of th’bodywanting
wht wht flls wht & wht
in fl’k’ng travel & flurrys wrathe
f’ll’ng & f’l’ng & fl’ng a/way
naym nt kempt or crept from skyn
seaing in th’skigh
a kname 1nce bean a kname 1nce was
wht a knaym myght mien for yew
wht a woord myght bee
wee ayre schmall & mayde of woords
“mein nummen ist” ist unended
I m eye m aye
u r yew r yu
mayd in the fleet’ng & fll’ing flyght
in the flec of fll’ing of whyght t’whyght
wht gros in bundance & in tyme
takn for acccummmulllatttionnn
takn in to acct for’t & cold & hard
wht srounds & srounds
& wht srounds & srounds
pleyzhure in th’scent of wht
in th’nose of snoe & in th’wards 4 snoe
in th’langwedge of yr toes
they are cold & fr’z’ing &
in th’lingwage of yr tung
they’re th’tugns for’ears
thurr’salways th ggnashing of teats
(bearst of a new-f’lln now)
thurr’salways th greating of teaths
as you sleep intwo drum and stang
thurr’salways th ggreetyng o’fam’ly
at th’entránce to th’other daygh
l’v’n’n Lyff
& th’lyfe of’t
oft taken bt
never’ve recd
make as ingest
t’ing (to ing)
at th’greatest degree
everyviewed th’ng
a th’ng t’place
t’make intwo or thr33
gnew th’ngs
everymayde th’ngs
there’d be mayde ’gain
lyff as’n art’st
th’greatyts of
a plagiartist
in this journey
of a plagiartist’s ear
in such aweigh that
only a snigle woord
can make the saound
out of’t as pwoermd
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