74. Those Having Been Given

weet as honey & wheat

in the structure of a moment
with its parapet walls
that they keep the knees out

alk in an orest
& see
what from the left was left right there
& leaves

alk in a crowd of eople and
see who might hear the edgest of your voice

timbre of your voice
& the wouldst of it

what falls down
ilently falling
lently falling to the orest oor

have in a piece of meaning
a measure of a mixture of a mister
who can at the last be trew & trowel

wer’t sew
& threats thru’t
holding it to gather

the ieces of meaning
the ices of meant

beautiful in the way that a smile comes out an eye

cordial as flavour as bourbon as candy
& what the tung wants
touch to ’weep over with the flat

that attachment at
the tip or tipping of savour

se’en not in a eye
or threw

that only an empty air can ’ear
that only a tung can speek
a tiny speek out of his eyen

’tis the wordst of it
blather & rather
a stutter of shutter (& th’human stutter

oice like a shakes
the shiver of teeth
th’hiver of inmaginations

caught & corded
threaded to ound
or ound and ound

as fire repeats itself
repeats as fire itself repeats
itself as fire repeating

marvelous ministerial motions making mockeries

of th’tung
thee thight of lost
& lung

quite discursives considering it
& the it it came from

in narrowing glance
but marrowing to the dep’th of it
read in the color of the blood as ’twere written

might eye ride a were’d
50 mile w/o stopt
& a rest
arrested to
a stop

& the sign of
stopt atop it

a kine of hat
like me) 7 thin
& ill-favoured


or they’re

the small’st igns of words were


a handful & there’d
be enough weight

for a pome


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