
Showing posts from January, 2011

252. With Lines

251. Questions after the Fact of Answers

Just One Letter to Begin It

250. In the Updraft of My Shoulders

249. La Vita Nuova

248. Worsted Words

247. A Poem Left Under Suspicion

Self-portrait with numbers

246. The Salt and Crust of the Earth

245. Locations and Dislocations

A Slow Beginning to the Night's Letter

244. The Furious Function of Forgetting

243. Plastic Words

And Only the Title for Today's Poem

242. On Friday Mourning

241. These Ears of Ours

Today's Poem So Far

240. Subject Manner

239. To the Other Side

238. The Color of Sunrise

237. Deaths and Diaries

236. Qages

235. Written with Thumbs

E.M.F.A. (by Spencer Selby)

234. In order but in media res

233. Among the Freaks

232. A Moth of Some Ways

231. Innumerable Thoughts

230. The Sonnet Rises Slowly

The First Half of a Poem Called "230. The Sonnet Rises Slowly"

229. Life Made out of Evening in Blues and Greens

Struggling to Write Tonight Even without Words

228. barring blunted or blinded sight

227. in a little
bit of sunlight
before the snow

Note 2


226. Artist’s Statement