
Showing posts from October, 2010

160. Six Words You Use for Them

159. Rectangles around Us

158. Ashberymaniacal

157. What You Know about Me Only My Closed Eyes Can Tell

156. Frames in a Film without Frames

155. In Gallons and Forever

154. The Lamb of Fog

153. A Small Bottle of Bourbon to Be Taken in the Night

152. Stone from the Forbidden City

151. The Ramifications of It

150. Penetration / Evacuation

149. Gargling and Panting

148. These Grey Cities of the Northeast

147. I, Quincompoix

146. not quite autumn’

145. Being in Manhattan

144. Fifty Lines and a Half of Half-Thoughts

143. Order as the Concentration of Pattern over an Array


142. crack’d & cracking

141. geese’s flying forth

Still Behind

Two Poems Finished

140. inkings

The Opening of Tonight's Poem in Progress

139. Against Clarity

All that I've Done So Far on # 139

138. The Riches of the Ekkeko

A Delay on # 138 as Well, but Here's the Opening

137. am a dreamtn. man

Just One Line as I Collapsed from Something Close to Exhaustion

136. Thoughts Scattered Like Leaves

135. The Form of Children

134. Pens, but I am in Them

133. Impotentate of Beauty

132. Two Faces of the Same Echo or View

131. Bleeding for Love

130. Sleeping/Waking